
Customizable Bullet Icons (and arrows) depending on Rem type

This Custom CSS from browneyedsoul that changes the bullet icons and colors depending on the type of Rem (Concept, Descriptor, simple flashcard) and it’s direction (forward, backward, both, inactive) is essential for me since I started using RemNote, and it makes the Concept-Descriptor framework much more intuitive and visually responsive!

I actually can’t believe this is not a option in settings or even a plugin to this day! It feels like an essential part of RemNote. Someone need to make this a plugin for beginner users to give it a try from the start.

Also, the plugin should have customizable options, so we can more easily play around to match things to our tastes. It could have options to:

  • Choose the colors for each type of direction

  • Choose different icons, with some preset options (that would be awesome, if it is feasible)

  • Have a toggle for list rems to have a different icon (I removed that from the css for me

For an example of an customizable version would enable users to do, here is how my icons look after some (rudimentary) tweaking of the CSS Snippet: