
Give multilines, lists, and sets options to show their children in random order, one by one, or hide all, show one. Also have individual schedules for each child.

Currently, multiline and list are worse than cloze with shift+enter for list flashcards. For organising rem they are still better (grouping and reordering individual rem that can have individual links), but for actual flashcards it’s no contest.
See Images.

  • Multiline possible cards, only possible to test for the whole list at once or its heading


  • List (or set) possible cards, only possible to test for the whole list in order top to bottom or its heading

  • Cloze possible cards.

    • Separate clozes for each, perfect for memorising the list visually

    • Hide all show one allows for testing for a specific list item, again great for memorising an ordered list visually

    • Merging all clozes gives the same result as a multiline, just without the backwards option


    • Of course, you can always bring the header in and test for it that way

  • Clozing members of a multiline or list doesn’t give the visual aid of the item’s location


See also a request to beef up clozes themselves: Clozes: hide all, combine clozes, clues/hints, start/end points for Queue's and more! (a system to fully customize Queue's. Please read the description) 30