Multiple-choice Flashcards: Auto Creation
Dear Team, thank you so much for implementing the Multiple-choice flashcard.
It would be utterly brilliant if you could devise a way for RemNote to detect if an imported document’s content has the format of a question - followed by multiple-choice answers - and if so, automatically create multiple-choice flashcards by replicating that content.
Background Info
I extensively use the multiple-choice flashcards to prepare for my exams, where I copy and paste content from a Word document, which already is formatted in a manner that after a question, its options follow (see picture below).
After pasting the content into RemNote, quite a bit of formatting has to be done, namely:
1) typing “/mc” to create a multiple-choice flashcard
2) cutting the correct answer and pasting it into [A] (i.e. the correct answer)
3) cutting the rest of the options and pasting it as options.
4) deleting the “A”, “B”, “C” and “D” which are leftover and unnecessary content.
Each Word document has hundreds of questions, so after a while my fingers - and sanity - really start to strain.
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